Achim Nowak Podcast


My Fourth Act Podcast

Achim Nowak

Achim Nowak


Hello. I’m Achim Nowak, Executive Coach, Author, Mastermind Convener and host of the My Fourth Act Podcast. If life is a 5-act play, what will you do in your 4th act? Your childhood conflicts have been resolved. The big dramas of life are behind you. Most importantly, you’re not ready to stop.

Join me as I speak with exceptional humans who have created bold and unexpected 4th acts. Listen and be inspired. Rate and subscribe on whatever platform you’re listening on. Welcome.

Episode 135 | 32 minutes

What I Know About Rapid Personal Growth

When I faced my addictions. How rewiring our belief systems is essential for sustained personal growth. Why external accomplishments are never enough. What I continue to learn through Rapid Transformational Therapy. Why I believe thinking of addictions as a disease is not helpful. Why I have titled my book “King of the Sky.”

My Conversation with
Gregory R. Gilmore

Ozlem Brooke Erol

Gregory Gilmore is a Transformational Life Coach, Clinical Hypnotherapist, and Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) Practitioner. In addition to his own practice, Gregory also serves as an RTT trainer for Marisa Peer. The founder of RTT, where he supports and guides other aspiring RTT practitioners.

Gregory is passionate about helping individuals get unstuck and reclaim their passion and confidence. His memoir, “King of the Sky,” will be released in 2025.

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